How it all began with the first generation of the tire wall testing system (RFP-1) in 1982...

Seichter GmbH
... filed a patent application in 1981 for the first sensor for automated inspection of tire geometry.
As a pioneer in the field of measurement technology and tire inspection, Seichter is today one of the world’s leading suppliers of state-of-the-art measuring machines in the area of final inspection of tires and wheels.
The automotive industry’s requirements for tires and wheels are growing steadily, and electric cars are reinforcing this trend. In addition, tires are also becoming larger in diameter and flatter in cross-section. In the tire industry, this leads automatically to increasing demands on measuring machines.
As a result, our portfolio of measuring machines and analysis parameters is constantly growing. Our Made in Germany range of services extends from the individual measuring machine to a complete test line.
Launch auf the new Geometry system called GEOtwin. First system in the market were all evaluations are based on a Digital Twin.
The pandemic paralyzes the world – we adapt ourselves and our processes and work flat out on new developments – just wait and see!
There are more than 85 of our machines and 600 of our systems on the world market
We continue to grow – construction of a new additional production hall
Establishment in the machine market – there are more than 45 of our machines on the world market
Development of the first TIC[UG] – our centerpiece
Introduction of the pioneering sheet-of-light sensors
We are growing and need more space – first extension
First steps in the machine market – first retrofit of a D70
Further development of the positioning system: our RFP5 system is the first digital measuring system to measure uniformity on truck tires
Development of the positioning system for Geometry tire measurement
Klaus and Wolfgang Seichter found Seichter GmbH
Development and patenting of the capacitive sensor to detect bulges, depressions and runout on tires
Engineers Block and Seichter found the trading company Block & Seichter for milling and grinding machine parts