Truck Tire Inspection Center TTIC-G
Truck Tire Inspection Center TTIC-G, for geometry measurements of truck and bus tires
With our Truck Tire Inspection Center (TTIC-G), we have a first-class reference for geometry measurement of truck tires. Most compact inspection center for truck tires in the market.
What matters: Features of the Seichter truck machine
- 10” of rim width range allows a wide spectrum of truck tire dimensions
- Handling of high weights with the proven spindle concept and no hydraulics
- Fast and precise control of the filling pressure as the basic prerequisite for
- good measured values and short cycle times
- Evaluation of the measured parameters with the TireChecker from Fraunhofer
- Outstanding cycle time due to very compact machine with small movements
- Suppression of sidewall design when evaluating for bulge and depression
- High availability due to large maintenance intervals
- Very compact design leeds to the smallest possible footprint for a Geometry Machine
- Proven repeat accuracy of the long time proven Seichter machine concept
- Good accessibility as the positioning system can be swiveled
- Energy recovery reduces the consumption of electrical energy

Because there are both narrow trailer tires and very wide twin tires, the range of rim widths for truck tires is particularly wide. Our 10" rim width adjustment range makes the widest range on the market possible without the need for a rim change.

A cycle time of 28 seconds is pretty impressive. Its compact size and proven spindle design make the machine so powerful.

5.5 tons in the smallest of spaces. This ensures stability and high reproducibility of measured values with a small footprint.
The machine is also only 3,150 mm in height.